Tag: Ronovan Writes Haiku Challenge

  • A Misplaced Step

    All it takes is one slip to end this trip to these tips in tragedy. apex a view interrupted by sudden wind for RonovanWrites #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge #253 Slip&Tip and Mindlove misery’s Menagerie’s Heeding Haiku With Chèvrefeuille, May 8th 2019 an experiment … one-bun

  • Notre Dame

    I visited Notre Dame in the Spring of 1992. The interior looked dark at the time, as few candles burned and fewer lights shined. The light from the Rose stainglass captivated me, as it had done for countless pilgrams through out the centuries. Otherwise, my visit felt pedestrian. I stare today at the video feeds…

  • Difficult Riding: a #RonovanWrites #haibun

    It is not easy to ride the dragon. The silent wailing begins when I awaken. Weary aches and stiffness abound. Work dreads arise in a barrage of “what ifs.” I can collapse before the obsessive-compulsive onslaught. I can push through while ignoring it. Or I can feel and sink into each sensation as it arises.…

  • Our Time: a #Writephoto #haibun

    “Red sky in morning, sailor take warning.” That may be. We risk the coming storm, nevertheless. The risen sun pierces the massed cumulus that threaten the fierce deluge to come, as though it honors our courage. Perhaps it does. We have faced torrents before. We will do so again, as we always have. Together. winter…

  • A Lycanthrope’s Confession: A #TankaTuesday #TankaProse (1/22/19)

    Ask your question. Go on. Ask how I could do it. How I could shed my own skin, forsake my species and run with the wolves. Ask how I could rage under a blood moon, an animal’s growl erupting from me like a long-restrained geyser. Are you certain you want the answer? Perhaps you can…

  • Verum Honorem

      We say we want the truth. But the ancient Assyrians had a saying: “Tell the truth, but leave soon after.” They knew what we won’t admit–no one wants to bear the truth.   Whether its stoning prophets during Biblical times, or declaring reporters the “Enemy of the people,” We don’t want the truth. We…