’92 Eurailing

Spring Vacation, 1992. I travel across Northern Europe via Eurorail pass.

After an engaging stay in Amsterdam, into which I flew out of Heathrow, I hop the first train down to Brugge. The marble square, the multiple steps up its picturesque tower, the bike ride through the countryside with two aquaintences I met at our Youth Hostel, then on the train once more, this time to Paris.

rattle and hum

daydreaming as I gaze

out the window

The Eiffel Tower, the outside of the Louve and Versailles, the streetside cafes. The picnic lunch with two blokes I met along the road: a 10 Franc bottle of read, bread and brie, under the Eiffel and a starry night. All too soon, back on the train, north for Copenhagen.

nighttime travel

the swaying of a sleeper

on a ferry

Clean streets. Pedestrians that wait for green before crossing the street. The Hans Christian Anderson charm of the city. A night of keeping hostel-mates awake with a noisy space blanket, before I broke down and requested a rental of ordinary ones from the owner. Then, back on the train for the university town of Lund, in Sweden.

overcast sky

a landscape still in thrall

to winter

Charming townhomes, and an enticing campus, not much else to see as night draws in. Soon, I’m aboard a train with another sleeper, this time bound for Berlin.

platform at night

that familiar NY chill

up my spine

A tale of two cities. The Time-Square-aspiring, former West Berlin sports all of the neon glamor. The spacious squares and granite memorials of the once-East Berlin testify to the Stalin-era propaganda of the former Soviet satellite state. Beautiful gardens, in which the best-trained Doberman pincher I ever saw scurried to his master’s side at a word. But it was in Berlin that I realized my solo Spring Break had come to an end.

one last train ride

So much countryside in

so little time

Punam hosts Tuesday Poetics over at dVerse, where we address our train travel experiences.

The pub is still open! Come join us!







14 responses to “’92 Eurailing”

  1. gillena cox Avatar
    gillena cox

    Beautiful detailing in your haibun. I also wrote a haibun


    Liked by 1 person

  2. kim881 Avatar

    What a coincidence, Frank, I’m not long back from Brugge! And we went by train – first Eurostar from London St Pancras, and then the train from Brussels. I love that ‘rattle and hum’ and gazing out of the window. When we visited Copenhagen some years ago we got the train across the Øresund Bridge to Malmö. Train journeys are also a great time to read and write.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. merrildsmith Avatar

    It sounds like a never-to-be-forgotten trip, Frank!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Frank J. Tassone Avatar

      It was, Merril! Thanks! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. merrildsmith Avatar

        You’re welcome!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Debi Avatar

    Sounds like so much fun. I love the pithy haikus

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Helen Avatar

    The perfect travelogue!!!! Love it. I’ve done the Amsterdam to Ghent via train, I think we changed trains in Antwerp … it was almost fifty years ago.!! Riding the rails is pure magic.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Jane Dougherty Avatar

    Those inter-rail holidays encouraged us to travel, travel, travel, but end up not seeing much but different countries’ rail networks! I’m glad you collected some memories from yours 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Frank J. Tassone Avatar

      I definitely did! Thanks, Jane! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  7. paeansunplugged Avatar

    What a trip it must have been, Frank! You collected lot of memories. I love your haikus.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. dorahak Avatar

    Amazing how you packed so many sights into one trip, Frank, and thanks for taking us along so beautifully through your haibun.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Frank J. Tassone Avatar

      Thank you, Dora! Happy you enjoyed the journey!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Grace Avatar

    I would love to visit all the cities by train. Love the haibun stories.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Frank J. Tassone Avatar

      Thank you, Grace! It was an incredible trip!


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Frank J. Tassone-American Haijin by Frank J. Tassone is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0